Three types of plant and a list of plants I know will grow well in Chalky soil are:
Other Chalk loving Hardy perennials to be mixed with the plants above to create a natural chalk garden are listed in this article.
If you Garden in the South East (the White Cliffs of Dover) you will have mostly lime rich chalky soil. Chalky soil is dry, stony and low in nutrient. However, by choosing the right plants, species that are naturally adapted to these environments. Plants like our own wildflowers that grow in the meadows of the South Downs and Mediterranean flowers and shrubs that are at home in chalky soil. You will have created lovely gardens on chalk.
For those
of us that are not sure what type of garden soil we have, This simple soil test will point us in the right
We then have choices,
Androsace lanuginosa Rock jasmine, Aster amellus 'King George' Aster, Aster x frikartii 'Monch' Aster, Bellis perennis 'Pomponette' Bellis daisy, Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea' Elephant's ears, Blechnum spicant Hard fern, Briza maxima Greater quaking grass, Buglossoidespurpurocaerulea Gromwell, Campanula takesimana 'Elizabeth' bellflower,
entranthus ruber var. coccineus Red valerian, Cephalaria gigantea Giant scabious, Cerastium tomentosum Snow-in-summer, Chelone obliqua Turtle head, Clematis tubulosa 'Wyevale' Clematis, Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Tickseed , Crocosmia 'Lucifer' Crocosmia, Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldtau' Tussock grass, Bleeding heart, Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern.
There are several more wildflowers that will grow and thrive in chalk soil wildflowers grow in
Chalky soils range from gravelly to clayey in appearance and can be light or heavy, but are largely made up of calcium carbonate and are very alkaline (they have a pH of 7.1-8.0) To test for lime in the soil fill a jam-jar with vinegar and drop some soil in, if it froths it contains chalk or limestone and is lime rich.
The problems with gardening on chalky soil.
Good things about chalky soil.
How to improve chalky soil.
My advice would be to make the most of what you've got, or move home to London-on-clay, but if you want to stay put and willing to spend a bit of time on the garden, here are a few things you can do;
shade / herbaceous borders / clay / window boxes / pathways / Winter colour / dry / sandy soil / slopes / bog gardens / ground cover / Low maintenance / home
A read for rainy days
In fairy tales, there is always a
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