List of Wildlife friendly plants

Pictures of Wildlife friendly plants  

Guelder rose, Good autumn colour and white summer flowers, which turn into red berries in autumn, providing a good food source for birds. 

Globe thistle, This thistle is a great architectural perennial, with its spherical blue flower-heads drying into striking seed-heads. The flowers attract bees and butterflies, and birds eat the seeds.

Buddleia the Butterfly bush is a good source of nectar for butterflies and bees.
Honeysuckle: Provides nectar for butterflies and bees, which it attracts with its nocturnal scent. Birds also eat the seeds. 
Marigold,  Nectar rich and also good for companion planting.
Primrose, The spring flowers provide an early source of nectar in spring. The leaves are food for butterfly larvae and finches eat the seeds.
Ivy, Provides shelter for birds, nectar in winter and berries in spring. 
Buckthorn, for brimstone butterflies.
Holly, for holly blue butterflies.
Nettles, for peacock, comma, small tortoiseshell butterflies.
Meadow grasses, for gatekeeper, meadow brown, wall and skipper butterflies.

How to introduce wildflowers into your garden.


I found this list and a very useful database of wildlife plants  @  THE VEGAN NEWS website

Alyssum......Alyssum maritimum .    Applemint......Mentha x rotundifolia Arabis......Arabis caucasica.     Basil......Ocimum minimum.    Barberry......Berberis x stenophylla.   Bergamot......Monarda didyma.   Betony......Stachys officinalis.   Bird's  Foot Trefoil......Lotus corniculatus . Bramble (Blackberry)......Rubus fruticosus.  Bugle......Ajuga reptans.  Butterfly Bush......Buddleia davidii.   Candytuft......Iberis saxatilis  Caryopteris......Caryopteris x clandonensis.  Clover ......Trifolium spp..  Common Toadflax.......Linaria vulgaris .  Cornflower.......Centaurea cyanus.  Corn Marigold.......Chrysantheum segetum.  Cotoneaster......Cotoneaster frigidus Cowslip.......Primula veris.   Cuckoo Flower......Cardamine pratensis Devil's Bit Scabious (Hawkbit)......Succisa pratensis Evening Primrose......Oethera missouriensis.    Fennel......Foeniculum vulgare.  Field Scabious......Knautia arvensisFleabane......Erygeron spp. Floss Flower......Ageratum houstonianum.   Forget-Me-Not......Myosotis sylvatica.  Foxglove......Digitalis purpurea Golden Rod......Solidago canadensis.  Greater  Knapweed.....Centaurea scabiosa 

Hazel......Corylus avellana.  Heather......Calluna vulgaris.  Hebe......Hebe spp.  .Heliotrope......Heliotropium x ridum.   Hemp Agrimony...... Holly......Hex aquifolium Honesty (purple & variegated)......Lunaria annuum.   Honeysuckle......Lonicera periclymenum.  Horse-radish......Cochlearia armoracia.   Hyssop......Hyssopus officinalis

Iceplant......Sedum spectabile.  Ivy......Hedera helix Lavender......Lavendula angustifolia Californian lilac.......Ceanothus spp.Love-in-a-Mist......Nigella damascena Marjoram (Wild)......Origanum vulgare  Meadow Crane's Bill......Geranium pratense   Michaelmas Daisy......Aster amellus......

Poached Egg Plant......Limnanthes douglassi.   Pot Marigold......Calendula officinalis. Primrose......Primula vulgaris.  Purple Loosestrife......Lythrum salicaria. Purple Rock Cress......Aubretia spp.Pyracantha......Pyrocantha coccinea

Ragged Robin......Lychis flos-cuculi Scabious......Knautia arvensis. Selfheal......Prunella vulgaris. Sorrel......Rumex acetosa Spurge Laurel......Daphne odora St John's Wort......Hypericum olympicum  Sweet Rocket......Hesperis candidissima  Sweet William......Dianthus barbatus. Sunflower......Helianthus decapetalus.Tansy......Tanacetum vulgare  Teasel......Dipsacus fullonum  Thistles......Thistle spp  .Thrift......Armeria caespitosa   Thyme.......Thymus praecox   Tobacco Plant......Nicotiana alata Valerian......Valeriana officinalis   Verbena......Verbena bonariensis  Virburnum......Virburnum lantana  Violet......Viola odorata  Wallflower......Cheiranthus cheiri  Wild angelica......Angelica sylvestris   Willow......Salix caprea Yarrow......Achillea spp. 

These pages are also worth a look if you are a gardener interested in planting up a wildlife friendly 
area.soil wildflowers grow in lists the types of soil and the wildlife friendly plants that grow best in them. Meadow butterflies lists plants and butterflies that thrive on them and the wildlife garden page gives information about layout and structure in a wildlife friendly area.