List of Flowers for window boxes, hanging baskets and containers

Almost all plants will do well in window boxes providing you take into account the conditions it will be planted in. They are sun or shade, windy or sheltered. Also, the size of the container, cramming an Oak tree into a small window box might not work! 

Scented flower plants like sweet peas planted near open windows are a delight, as are herbs growing in the kitchen window box. I personally like the bright red trailing geraniums you see on the widows sill of houses in Germany and Holland. 

You can check out my other pages to select plants for the conditions they are going to grow in. I have also listed a few plants for full sun or shade here

LIST of Best plants for window boxes

Sunny spots. 

Nasturtium has attractive leaves, bright edible flowers, 

Good in all weather. 

Petunia 'Marshmallow'  is good in all weather with  large flowers or choose from the  many other upright and trailing varieties,

Helichrysum petiolare - with its silver grey foliage looks great amongst bright flowers,   


Ivy,  try one of the  variegated types, 


Pelargonium will  survive on windswept high-rise balconies. 


Best plants for a window box in a shady spot Busy Lizzies, Fuchsia 'Marinka' is excellent in window boxes, 

Ferns, smaller variety's are best for window boxes, Cyclamen - great in winter,

All year round colour. japonica - for all year round colour.

My favourite the red trailing geraniums you see on the continent works well in partial shade and full sun.


List of Plants for containers and flowerpots

Most plants that grow in your garden will grow in containers, hanging baskets and flowerpots providing you select for tolerance to shade and full sun, etc,  but the big difference is, size matters

Make sure the plant fits the container.

Rhododendron, Azalea, lilac, Primrose, Fritillaries, Ferns, Kalanchoe, Pansies.

Abutilon, Bacopa, Callibrachoa-Million Bells, Coleus, Convolvulus, Dahlia, Fuchsia, Geranium, Herbs, Impatiens, Larkspur, Lobelia, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Oxalis, Petunias, Scabiosa Wave, Petunias, Ornamental grasses, Miniature Roses.

Begonias Fuchsias Impatiens Asters Cyclamen Gentian Heather Heuchera Marguerite Daisies Mums Osteospermum Cotoneasters Pyracanthas,

Winter plants,

Boxwood Privet Juniper Wintergreen 

To add height to a container

Canna Colocasia (Elephant Ear) Brugmansia (Angels Trumpet) Phormium Salvia Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’ (Fountain grass)

To fill a container

Artemisia Creeping Jenny Helichrysum Houttuynia Ivy Moss Plectranthus Sedum Spider Plants Sweet Potato Vines Transcantia Wandering Jew 

Climbers for containers,
Clematis Cartmanii Hedera Helix


Euonymus Fortunei Pittosporum Tenuifolium Skimmia Japonica Hosta Pennisetum Setaceum


List of Plants for hanging baskets through the seasons

 Plants for both colour and interest to plant in hanging baskets throughout the year

Plants for a Spring hanging basket 

Colour. Primroses,Pansy,Viola,Bellis,Cineraria,Dianthus Sunflor.
Plants for the middle of the basket. Euonymus,Cordyline,Conifer. 


Trailing plants.  Hedera (ivy), Aubrieta Kitty. 
Plants for a Summer hanging basket: 

Colour. Impatiens,Petunia, Marguerite, New Guinea impatiens, Verbena, Lobelia (bush), Begonia

Plants for the centre. Geranium, Fuchsia (bush), Euonymus, Cordyline, Conifer, Dwarf Hebes.

Trailers.  Hedera (ivy), Lobelia (trailing), Petunia Surfina, Fuchsia (trailing), Petunia Tumbelina, Bacopa White, Convolvulus, Geranium (ivy leaf), Nepeta. Helichrysum Silver, Begonia (hanging), Portulaca.

Hanging basket plants for Autumn through to Winter.

Colour.  Pansy, Viola, Coloured Heather, Mini Cyclamen, Primrose, Solanum.
Plants for the centre. Euonymus, Cordyline, Conifer, Chrysanthemum, Hebe, Coloured Heather.
Trailing winter plantsHedera (ivy)

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.

Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.

A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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