DIY guide to install a French drain garden drainage system.

This guide explains how to install your own garden French trench drainage system

  • How deep to dig the trenches,
  • Finding the lowest part of a garden slope,
  • Pattern for laying out drainage trenches,
  • Positioning the soakaway. 
  • How to calculate amount of gravel needed for French drains installation
  • Includes Telephone back-up 



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This really is an easy to follow basic guide to installing French gravel drains.

The purchase price is non-refundable.

Includes telephone back-up.

Step by step DIY guide to install a French drain.


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Garden and lawn drainage D.I.Y. booklet

Happy user

Just completed the drainage on my lawn using your DIY guide, must say it was simple to follow, still hard work, but what a difference. My boys can play on the lawn again, and I did save a lot of money. I found the gravel calculator really useful, ended up with a bit left over but probably my calculation.

Thanks again and for the chat on the phone (well worth a tenner)

Jason. Leeds 

name and address supplied

My basic easy to follow guide draws on years of experience Installing gravel French drains. Is best read together with information I have written on these pages;