Aerating simply involves making small, but fairly deep holes through the grass into the soil. The holes allow air, water and essential nutrients to get from the surface into the soil.
You can use a garden fork or these specially designed tools click the link.
Aeration is an important factor in keeping lawns healthy and helps stop waterlogging.
These are the main benefits of aerating a compacted lawn.
The best time to aerate is during the growing season avoiding very hot weather that makes the soil dry and difficult to penetrate, so early or late spring or autumn are the best times, but anytime (tine) is better than none.
How do I know a Lawn Needs Aerating?
The signs that tell you your lawn needs aeration are not always obvious, but lawns especially on heavy clay soil that get regular heavy use and show wear and tear and thinning, turning brown quickly in dry weather need to be aerated on a regular basis, at least once a year. Or you may have had a visit from Mike the flowerpotman to investigate a lawn drainage problem who to your relief tells you that the lawn is compacted and won't need to be dug up and drainage installed, just aerated.
Your lawn will need aerating if:
The surface feels hard and you can't easily sink a shovel to a depth of half the blade
Water puddling on lawn after rain for longer than a couple of hours.
Vehicles driving or parking on lawn or heavy play use.
Thatch thicker than one-half inch.
Difficulty pushing a pencil into the soil.
Heavy clay soil. Tips to break-up clay
Thin, patchy or bare patches in grass (worth checking out other causes like Leather jackets first)
A read for rainy days
In fairy tales, there is always a
Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the
bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for
a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the
consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.
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