Patio builder in Weston super mare, Bristol, North Somerset and Somerset

We supply and lay patios in Weston super mare, Bristol, North Somerset and Somerset

For a free quote  to build your patio. Contact Mike

We excavate the area to a depth of 150mm. Lay and compact hardcore to a depth of 50mm to 80mm for the foundations and build you a patio to last.

Indian sandstone paving
Indian sandstone
paving and pebbles patio
paving and pebbles

We supply the slabs and lay patios or see DIY tips to lay your own slabs

flowerpotman patio builders supply and lay all types of paving from Natural Sandstone flagstones to concrete slabs in Weston super mare, Bristol, Clevedon, Portishead, Nailsea, Bridgwater, Burnham on sea and Somerset.  

Prefer D.I.Y? skip the next bit and go to tips to lay your own patio further down this page....

Lots of material choice these day ranging from concrete slabs through to natural stone flagstones, we will run through the choices and prices with you.  A couple of examples are Indian sandstone a natural quarried stone and concrete made in a factory using a cement type mix formed in a press. 

Natural (real) stone

  • Sandstone is a natural paving stone mostly imported from India and comes in a variety of colours, sizes and textures. 
  • Both the darker and lighter coloured flagstones make great paved patios in large landscaping projects,
  • The lighter colours are very effective in brightening up small shady gardens and courtyards. Because its a natural stone the colours and rivens vary, catalogues don't show this, so before I order its well worth a visit to a local builders supply company to see the colours for yourself.

Concrete paving slabs 

  • Concrete slabs can be an attractive and practical choice for paving garden pathways, steps and patios and are available in a wide range of colours, prices, surface finishes, from rivened, flat and non slip surfaces for wheelchairs and elderly gardeners.
  • Utility slabs will cost about £25 per sq. m.
  • higher quality concrete slabs up to £100 per sq. m

DIY tips to lay your own slabs and build a patio

Want to lay your own patio? or supply the slabs and landscaping materials.
We can prepare the ground for you or if you prefer to buy the slabs and materials from a local company, we can quote for labour only.  Most patio slab supply companies deliver nationwide, click and compare them for price.
DIY slab laying tips. 
This is a basic guide to laying a patio, always read the suppliers patio laying guide. 
Indian Sandstone and other natural flagstones can be laid on a bed of Sharp sand but concrete slabs should always be laid on a bed of mortar.
Preparing the Base for laying slabs. Mark out the area to be paved and dig out enough soil to allow a hardcore base of about100mm plus the depth of the paving slab and 50mm mortar. You will need to dig deeper and increase the depth of the hardcore if the ground is soft or soggy. Shovel in the hardcore and rake it level and then compact it down, making sure the surface is low enough to allow for the mortar and slabs. If you are laying the patio near to a building don't forget to slope the patio away from buildings. 
Laying the slabsShovel an even layer of mortar onto the hardcore base and lay the first slab on the mortar, tap the slab into position. Fill any gaps around the slab with mortar. Use a Spirit level to check the slab is level.
Lay the first row of slabs from the first slab using 10mm spacers to make sure all the joints are the same. If you are close butting Natural stone, forget the spacers. 
When the first row is complete, lay slabs along the two adjacent outer edges. Fill in the central area, working back row by row. Keep checking that the fall is correct and that the slabs are level in both directions.
Pointing slabs
Only do this on a day when the slabs are completely dry.
Use a dry mix of three parts sharp sand to one part cement, brush it into the joints and push it down firmly with a trowel or a pointing tool. You may have to repeat this several times. Brush away any excess mortar mix and lightly spray the newly paved area to set the mortar.

For information on block paved driveway or car parking area 

Or For DIY tips and how we construct block paved driveways and parking areas go to my block paving page

An alternative to laying slabs to build a patio.

Gravel patios and pathways  add a bit of rustic charm to your home, are a lot cheaper than block paving, cleaner than tarmac, good for drainage, look better and more eco friendly than imprinted concrete  and also help with security, (burglars hate walking or driving over crunchy gravel).

So what's the problem with gravel patios.   Patios that have light use or are untended quickly become overgrown with weeds and grass,. Lets look at ways of  preventing your gravel becoming a bed of grass and weeds. Weed free gravel.

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.

Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.

A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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