Wildflower pictures with brief description and medicinal uses.

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Medicinal Herbs and Wildflower pictures

The wildflowers in the pictures have medicinal properties, so you could be growing your own natural remedies in your garden.


Always seek the advice of a qualified herbalist before trying any of these herbal remedies. 


Field Scabious The name Scabious is derived from the word scabies and was used as remedy for this and similar diseases. A homeopathic remedy can be made from the Field Scabious plant and used as a blood purifier and  treatment for eczema and other skin disorders.

Self heal wildflower The self heal plant has lots of properties that are said to have an antibiotic effect, assisting healing and keeping people well during outbreaks of infectious diseases. It is used in ointment form to heal stubborn cuts and bruises that wont heal on their own. 

Lady’s Bedstraw. This Herb has many medicinal uses including being used as a remedy for urinary diseases and for its diuretic and blood-purifying properties. Its also good  added to hot water to soothe the feet .Lady’s Bedstraw has also been used as a treatment for skin complaints, a remedy to stop internal bleeding and nosebleeds and it seems to have a positive effect for those suffering from epilepsy and hysteria. Try placing a piece of the plant in your shoes to protect against blisters also stuffing your pillow with the dried leaves. 


Bogbean is a very bitter tasting herb that can encourage and stimulate your appetite, Its also a laxative in large doses. 
Poisonous!!  It is quite toxic and  only 15-30 grams of green leaves could kill a horse or cow. Don't include the Bogbean herb in your wildflower mix if you intend to use the lawn for grazing goats etc.

Devil?s-bit Scabious, the herb makes a herbal tea for the treatment of coughs, fevers and internal inflammations and is also applied externally to treat eczema. 

Harebell leaves can be eaten raw as salad and the plant is known to have beneficial medicinal properties including a remedy for depression, a eyewash for the treatment of sore eyes . A treatment for earache is made from the roots and chewing the root is said to help treat heart and lung complaints


Meadowsweet one of the most sacred herbs of the Druids, used as a medicinal plant since ancient times and still popular as a herbal remedy. Its said to be an excellent remedy for digestive problems by protecting and soothing  the digestive tract, reducing excess acidity and alleviating feelings of nausea. Meadowsweet is also used in the treatment of heartburn, hyperacidity, gastritis and peptic ulceration. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also effective against rheumatic pain and the astringent tannins make the plant a useful remedy in the treatment of diarrhoea in children. 

Marsh Marigold contains harmful toxins and an alkaloid poison, so all parts of the plant can be an irritant and cause skin rashes and dermatitis. Marsh Marigold has however been used for medicinal purposes including the removal of warts and in the treatment of fits and anaemia. Various preparations of the roots are used in the treatment of colds and sores and a herbal tea is made from the leaves acting as a laxative. 

Teasel the ‘fracture healer herb’  helps broken bones and strained sinews heal, and an ointment made from the roots cures warts. Teasel can also be used as a liver and kidney tonic. Teasel also provides nutrients to maintain strong bones, sinews and cartilage and is also used for promoting energy and blood circulation in Chinese medicine. 


Yarrow  sometimes called 'Soldier's Wound-Wort'.  The Yarrow plant  has been used to stop bleeding by inserting leaves into the nostrils. 

Primroses, these pretty wildflowers were grown for their medicinal and sweetening qualities, it was believed that stem juice rubbed onto the face removed spots and freckles! Primroses were made into a solution to treat restlessness and insomnia and some folk believe Primroses help muscular rheumatism, paralysis and gout. Even today, in herbal medicine the infusion of the root can be taken in tablespoonful doses as a remedy against nervous headaches.

Ox-eye Daisy,  Many medicinal uses have been derived from this, my favourite wildflower plant. The whole plant has medicinal benefits and is used in many ways, including tonics to ease the effects of whooping cough, night sweats, asthma and nervous conditions. The Ox-eye Daisy herb was also a cure for jaundice and used to treat ulcers, bruises, cuts and conjunctivitis.

A read for rainy days

Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.

"I go out walking after midnight to find me."
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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