Yes you can and here's how;
Not many of us make a lot of money from plants, fruit and vegetables we grow ourselves. However, the answer is yes you can!
Here are ten things myself and friends do to sell our greenhouse produce;
You will save money and be happier and healthier anyway eating produce you know is organic and fresh from your own garden and greenhouse, but if you are really keen to make some money, this is another way.
Most gardeners buy their plants from local garden centres, one study found an average size garden centre can take £20,000 in a single weekend just selling plants.
Most garden centres don't grow the plants they sell. They buy them from huge wholesalers located in Holland, Spain and many of the eastern European countries.
The plants are grown in soil conditions that are totally different to the soil in our gardens and transported for days before they reach the sellers. Not good for the plants and certainly not good for the environment.
This presents the opportunity to sell your own locally grown plants. Recent surveys by the Horticultural Trades Association found that gardeners would prefer to buy locally grown plants and are even prepared to pay a bit more for them.
Worth considering if you really want to earn money from selling plants.
This approach to selling plants and garden produce will need a bit more marketing. Selling plants that are surplus to your own requirements may not be enough to justify the extra costs involved.
Top tip
Grow old fashioned varieties of vegetables from seed. These can include carrots, broad beans, potatoes and all have a good old fashioned taste and will have buyers coming back for more.
Other Greenhouse related pages on my site
A read for rainy days
In fairy tales, there is always a
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