How to make or adapt gardening tools for elderly and disabled gardeners

If you are elderly, suffer from arthritis or other disability that makes digging, planting or weeding your garden difficult, even painful. Using the correct garden tools that have been especially adapted can make a lot of tasks easier and gardening enjoyable again

Adapting your own garden tools can be less expensive and the tools just as comfortable and easy to use as tools specially designed for use in the garden. So if you are elderly or have a disability that restricts movement or a bad back that makes bending painful I have included a few how to modify tool tips further down.

making gardening just that little bit easier
making gardening just that little bit easier

This Wheeled gardening seat is a great gardening aid if you suffer from a bad back that makes bending difficult it reduces the stooping and bending associated with weeding and planting etc.

  • STORAGE SPACE: Your gardening tools and supplies can be held in the basket and tray under the seat, which keeps your supplies at the ready.
  • FLEXIBLE SEAT & HANDLE: The adjustable height and 360 degree swivel seat meets your various needs and the handle angle is adjustable to fit different body size and ground angle.
  • DESIGNED FOR OUTDOOR: The metal frame is sturdy and durable. and solid steel axles allow for easy steering and mobility.
  • Overall Dimension: 81L x 44.5W x 46-59H (cm); Weight Capacity: 150kg
Click the picture
Click the picture

Gardening tools that are easy to make or adapt yourself.

 If you have a bad back, limited mobility or working from a wheelchair making gardening difficult and would prefer to purchase specially adapted gardening tools, rather than adapt your own. Skip this bit and take look at some I have tested and listed on this page. If you don't mind a bit of DIY, maybe have an elderly or physically disabled relative or friend who could do with a bit of help. These simple tips to make or adapt gardening tools really can make many difficult or uncomfortable gardening jobs easier, Adapting or making your own tools is a lot cheaper too.

 Easy to make or adapt Gardening tools. 

Tools for sowing seeds.
Back pain can be a deterrent to sowing seeds, if a painful back or knee condition make the job difficult this simple homemade tool reduces the need for bending and kneeling.
  • To make a seed sowing tool that will help to sow seeds without bending.
  • Cut a four foot length of 2 ½ inch PVC pipe making a 45 degree angle at one end.
  • Use the sharp end of the tool to make furrows or holes in the soil.
  • Put the seed or seeds in the top and let them fall down through the pipe into the soil,  
  • Use the pipe to cover the seeds over with soil. 
  • If you have a weak grip or arthritic fingers a roll of toilet paper can be a useful planting tool for gardeners,
  • Pour the seeds on to a piece of dry light coloured cloth, 
  • Dampen a piece of toilet paper and use it to pick up the seeds, the seeds will stick to the toilet paper, push the paper the seeds are stuck to into the hole and cover with soil. 
  • For sowing small seeds over a wide area 
  • Take an empty pepper pot or any container with a lid that has holes just large enough to let the seeds through.
  • If you need to make  the holes bigger pierce with a small screw driver or scissors.
  • Sprinkle the seeds like you would pepper. 

Tools to adapt if you have a weak grip.

Making the handles of rakes, spades and shovels, etc. thicker, make the tools easier to use if your grip is weak.

Tools with wider padded handles are easier to grip if your hand grip is not as strong as it used to be. Adapting your own tools by padding out the handles with foam is a lot cheaper than purchasing new ones. The tools will be just as comfortable to use and a lot cheaper. 

  • How to make tool handles thicker, easier and more comfortable to grip.
  • Cut rectangles out of foam that are long enough to fit your hands and wide enough to wrap around the handle.
  • Slice about three-quarters the way through the width of the foam rectangle, stopping an inch short of the top.
  • Fit the handle of the hoe, rake, spade or shovel into the notch and secure the foam with strong waterproof tape.

Long reach gardening tools for gardeners working from a seated position or with bending difficulties are more difficult to make or adapt yourself. They provide additional length to assist reaching ground level, or across wider garden beds. Because of the balance and resultant stress on your wrist and arm are best used with an Arm Support Cuff to improve weight distribution and control. .

  • There are a couple of fairly simple ways to extend the handles of hoes and rakes.
  • One way is to fasten a broomstick handle or similar length of wood, either by screwing or using waterproof tape, parallel to the handle. Make sure the overlap is sufficient to take the weight.
  • Another way is to fit a longer handle to the existing tool head.   

If adapting your own tools is going to prove difficult I have listed some here  I have tested that you can purchase through amazon.

Specially designed gardening tools for elderly and disabled gardeners

Designed for gardeners working from a seated position, those with bending difficulties or a weak grip
Ergonomic handle keeps hand in natural position, preventing sprain
Non-slip grip, prevents tool slipping in the hand even in wet conditions
Brightly coloured handle - easy to find in garden or shed
We strongly recommend that the Arm Support Cuff is always used to improve weight distribution and control
Stainless steel tool, Brightly coloured handle - easy to find in garden or shed

prevents soil adhesion for easier use and cleaning, Overall length c. 80cm (30") gives greater accessibility without need for bending or stretching
Ergonomic handle allows more work for less effort
Option for Arm Support Cuff (recommended) uses strength of forearm in addition to hand & wrist
Non-slip grip, prevents tool slipping in the hand even in wet conditions 

Garden trowel 

Designed for gardeners working from a seated position, those with bending difficulties or a weak grip
Ergonomic handle keeps hand in natural position, preventing sprain
Overall length c. 80cm (30") gives greater accessibility without need for bending or stretching
Brightly coloured handle - easy to find in garden or shed
We strongly recommend that the Arm Support Cuff is always used to improve weight distribution and control.
Arm support cuff 
Attaches securely to garden tool
Can be purchased at the same time to provide extra arm support. 
It simply plugs into a hole in the back of the tool grip.
Plastic moulded cuff , 
Soft-feel lining, Plug in rod, 
Attaches securely to garden tool


Ergonomic Garden Tools feature a patented ergonomic grip that provides more leverage with less wrist stress.

Traditional garden tools force you to use your hands and wrists in ways that can cause injuries. The  Ergonomic Trowel, Weeder and Cultivator can minimise the risk, 

This Gardening range of tools is designed as part of a collection of solutions for improved mobility and independent living.

The Ergonomic Garden Tools is designed to reduce wrist stress and is surprisingly light. Included are a selection of the most useful hand tools for elderly and physically disabled gardeners, an Ergonomic Trowel, Trans planter, Weeder and Cultivator

Here's a summary of things you can do to make gardening easier on your body when you are out in the garden.


As well as using specially adapted tools elderly. Arthritic and gardeners disabled in other ways will find benefit from making a few changes to your gardens, like growing in raised raised beds, having sound surfaces or roll out pathways, rolling seats and kneelers all of these are explained on or linked from my disabled gardening page. 


Being old or disabled doesn't mean gardening has to stop. Just the opposite, time spent in the garden is good for us and fun. 


  • Don't spend to much time at each gardening task, do just as much as you can without your disability becoming uncomfortable. It's more important to enjoy the garden and the exercise you will be getting.
  • If you suffer from back problems it is more practical and makes sense to use raised garden beds  to avoid bending and stretching.  
  • People with back problems and those paralyzed on one side or unsteady on their feet  can carry out most gardening jobs from a non-bending sitting position using long reach tools with attachable extensions and quick release tools.
  • People with weak grips can use ergonomic garden tools to reduce wrist, hand and finger stress and adjustable cushioned handles as described in the tips on this page. 
  • Practical changes to your garden need not be expensive and can include Raised beds, Container gardens. Adapting a garden to a more mobility friendly garden layout can eliminate much of the need for bending.
  • Wheelchair gardeners, where possible and this need not be a costly exercise need to adapt there a gardens to be able to get around using the wheelchair. Things to consider when changing a garden to facilitate a wheelchair are gradients, camber, materials and width for paths to make access safe and easy.


  • When buying adopted tools and gardening aids look for lightweight ones made from aluminium alloy, carbon fibre or plastics that are light and easy to use.

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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