Thoughtful and useful presents for elderly gardeners

If you are an elderly gardener or suffer from arthritis or other disability that makes digging, planting or weeding your garden difficult, even painful. Using specially adapted garden tools can make a lot of tasks easier and more enjoyable.

Bill and Ben the flowerpotmen
Bill and Ben say happy gardening

Ergonomic and long reach tools for elderly gardeners

Click to see a selection of long reach tools 

 Long reach and easy to grip garden fork 

  • Stainless steel tool, Brightly coloured handle - easy to find in garden or shed
  • prevents soil adhesion for easier use and cleaning, Overall length c. 80cm (30") gives greater accessibility without need for bending or stretching
  • Ergonomic handle allows more work for less effort
  • Option for Arm Support Cuff (recommended) uses strength of forearm in addition to hand & wrist
  • Non-slip grip, prevents tool slipping in the hand even in wet conditions

Long reach and easy to grip garden trowel  

  • Designed for gardeners working from a seated position, those with bending difficulties or a weak grip
  • Ergonomic handle keeps hand in natural position, preventing sprain
  • Overall length c. 80cm (30") gives greater accessibility without need for bending or stretching
  • Brightly coloured handle - easy to find in garden or shed
  • We strongly recommend that the Arm Support Cuff is always used to improve weight distribution and control.

Long reach and easy to grip garden hoe  

  • Designed for gardeners working from a seated position, those with bending difficulties or a weak grip
  • Ergonomic handle keeps hand in natural position, preventing sprain
  • Non-slip grip, prevents tool slipping in the hand even in wet conditions
  • Brightly coloured handle - easy to find in garden or shed
  • We strongly recommend that the Arm Support Cuff is always used to improve weight distribution and control
Arm support cuff 
  • Can be purchased at the same time to provide extra arm support. 
  • It simply plugs into a hole in the back of the tool grip.
  • Plastic moulded cuff , 
  • Soft-feel lining, Plug in rod, 
  • Attaches securely to garden tool

Ergonomic Garden Tools feature a patented ergonomic grip that provides more leverage with less wrist stress.

Traditional garden tools force you to use your hands and wrists in ways that can cause injuries. The  Ergonomic Trowel, Weeder and Cultivator can minimise the risk, 

This Gardening range of tools is designed as part of a collection of solutions for improved mobility and independent living.

Ergonomic Garden Tools are designed to reduce wrist stress and are surprisingly light. Included are a selection of the most useful hand tools for elderly and physically disabled gardeners, an Ergonomic Trowel, Trans planter, Weeder and Cultivator

Click to see a selection here 

Roll Out pathways and tracks

This Roll Out pathway is designed to make it easier for wheelchair users and less able-bodied people to ride or walk over uneven surfaces like grass and gravel to get out into the garden or even to the washing line.  and can save the cost and disruption of having expensive permanent pathways built.

The rubber track is easy to clean, roll up and store and is available in 3 lengths. 
I use the roll out track at work when I'm wheelbarrowing heavy stuff across clients lawns, minimising the ruts wheels and boots make, especially in wet weather. It's light but strong making it easy to move around the area I'm working on.

Rolling wheeled gardening seat

Mobile GARDENING seat: The combination of garden cart and seat makes gardening easier and won't lead to aching knees and painful backs anymore. With some models the front wheel direction can be controlled by a handlebar.


The Wheeled gardening seat is a great gardening aid if you suffer from a bad back that makes bending difficult, it reduces the stooping and bending associated with weeding, planting and general tasks in your garden.  

It's also sometimes called, a rolling seat or rolling stool used to roll around your garden and between borders. 

Garden Kneeler with Seat and handle

Click the picture
Click the picture

Great for weeding and general gardening
This Garden Kneeler takes the strain out of gardening with a handy seat. Robust steel tubing designed around a raised, comfortable kneeling platform. With arms that are just the right height to assist getting back up to a standing position.
It can also be easily turned over for use as a comfortable seat or handy step and It folds flat in seconds for easy storage.
Reversible seat - plastic one side, padded the other, gardening  can sometimes be hard work. this kneeler seat makes it a bit easier. It is easy to fold, with handles to help getting back up, or just turn the kneeler over for a easily movable seat.
Folds flat for storage. Size when open - 54cm (21½") x 25cm (10") x 40cm (16")

 Ergonomic and long reach gardening tools, Tracks, Rolling garden seat, kneelers and other gardening aids, Are designed to make gardening that bit easier and enjoyable if you are getting on a bit, like me!

Adapting your own garden tools can be less expensive and If you think you would prefer to modify your own existing tools I have provided a few tips that could help here Adapting tools for the disabled gardener

In addition to using specially adapted tools elderly, arthritic and disabled gardeners can benefit from making just a few low cost changes to your garden to make access and mobility a bit easier.

My articles covering Gardening for the elderly  and  Garden layout are worth a read 

 Long reach gardening tools, Tracks, Rolling garden seat, kneelers and other gardening aids to make gardening easier for elderly and disabled gardeners.


Ergonomic and long reach gardening tools, and other gardening aids. All designed to make gardening that bit easier and enjoyable if you are getting on a bit, like me!

Being old or disabled doesn't mean gardening has to stop. Just the opposite, time spent in the garden is good for us and can be fun.

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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