Comfrey is a member of the borage family. A strong-growing perennial with 12" to 18" long hairy
leaves on short stems growing from a central crown.
It has a pretty blue bell flower that fades to pink. The plant can reach a height of over two feet with a spread up to 3 feet across.
The comfrey plant has medicinal uses. However, this article is about its use as a plant food.
Over-feeding your plants with off-the-shelf fast-release fertilisers often causes just the opposite to what is intended, a quick burst of unnatural growth leaving the plants vulnerable to pests and disease.
On the other hand, plants that are fed with a slow release natural food like Comfrey liquid. Grow normally, will be healthy and more able to resist most attacks by pest or disease.
Adding plenty of organic matter to the soil and the occasional feed of Comfrey liquid fertiliser provides all the food garden and container planted fruit, vegetables and flowers need. Feeding to much fast-release fertiliser is a bit like feeding kids a diet of fast food and sugar, providing a short burst of energy, but leaving them unhealthy in the longer term.
Plants grown in containers, hanging baskets or poor garden soil will benefit from feeding a slow release natural food getting the best from them in both quality and quantity.
What nutrients do plants need that Comfrey liquid feed provides?
Whilst it is rare for garden soil to be noticeably deficient in any of these. Very sandy, very acidic soils, or soil that has been used for intensively grown crops can be deficient, and will benefit from regular mulching with home-made compost from your heap and a feed of Comfrey liquid. Garden vegetables grown close together because of a lack of space will also benefit from a dose of potassium.
Signs of potassium deficiency to look out for. Are a bluish tinge to older leaves, yellowing between the veins of leaves. And if left to late, stunting of growth and a failure to produce many fruits or flowers, but if spotted early and fed with a potassium-rich feed like comfrey liquid, the plants will recover. Some plants like tomatoes and potatoes are very sensitive to low potassium levels. The tomato fruits, can remain green and hard and sometimes hollow. Potatoes, may turn black when cooked.
Why buy artificial potassium-rich feeds when it is so easy to make your own using comfrey leaves. I have explained how to make comfrey liquid feed below, or if you prefer, buy it from a neighbour gardener or supplier who makes their own.
Calcium. Plants need calcium for the growth of its young roots and shoots. Without calcium, plants can't grow. However, calcium deficiency in the soil is very rare. Not watering evenly (to dry, then to wet) is the main cause of calcium deficiency. Comfrey is very effective at taking up nutrients and goodness from the soil and storing it in its leaves. So no reason to overfeed your garden plants with artificial off-the-shelf fast-release fertilisers. Tap into nature's store and keep your plants health and productive in a natural way..
Yes you can purchase it now, if you don't have the time to make your own, I recommend this one litre pack of pellets, simply add water to make up to 75 litres. Store pellets in a dry place and the pack will last a long long time.
Just follow the simple instructions on the pack to make a Natural plant feed and soil conditioner. NPK, trace elements, vitamins, minerals and hormones. Buy it now before the rush...
A read for rainy days
In fairy tales, there is always a
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