How to identify and get rid of duckweed.

Duckweed is a tiny single free-floating aquatic perennial weed that grows in nutrient-rich waters and is common in garden ponds.

How to get rid of Duckweed.

Removal of Duckweed
  • Duckweed in small ponds can be kept under control by continuous netting. 
  • For larger ponds, using a floating boom to sweep from end to end and then removing the mass with a large strong net works.
  • Duckweed makes great compost, providing its composted away from the pond.
  • Planting Waterlilies and other plants with floating leaves will also reduce the level of duckweed.
  • Waterfalls and moving water, will push the weed to one end of the pond making it easier to remove from the pond.

How to prevent duckweed getting into my pond.

The introduction of duckweed into garden ponds is almost impossible to stop, it can be brought in with new water plants. Duckweed can also be brought in on the feet of  birds even frogs visiting from a near neighbours pond. The only way to stop it suffocating the pond is to control it.

How to Control duckweed without using chemicals

What is the little green plant floating on my pond?
What is the little green plant floating on my pond?

How to Identify Duckweed:

  It is an easily recognizable tiny light green free-floating plant with 1 to 3 leaves 1/16 to 1/8 inch in length. A single root (or root-hair) protrudes from each leave. It tends to grow in dense colonies and in still water quickly covers the entire surface of the water depleting oxygen and cutting out the sunlight that submerged plants need for their growthIf left uncontrolled it suffocates and kills the pond.

How does duckweed spread so quickly? 
In Summer it reproduces by growing  two or three tiny baby plants that bud from the original, these seedlings then reproduce new plants in the same way. In a nutrient rich pond, the plant mass can double every few days, quickly covering the surface of a garden pond. 


Reduce the nutrients by;


  • Stopping over feeding your fish. 
  • Stopping adding fertilisers for pond plants, they don't need it, fish, frogs, newts all pooh in your pond, providing all the fertiliser your pond plants need to keep them healthy.

IT Works, I know!

Reduce nutrients in the pond.

Is Duckweed a problem for my garden pond

What's the problem with duckweed? It's not a problem if kept under control, it provides shade, some fish eat it, pond insects love it and it's not unattractive floating on the surface of a nature pond. 
Is duckweed good for wildlife ponds?
if controlled it can be beneficial to a wildlife pond, but uncontrolled duckweed is a problem, if the surface is completely covered sunlight is shaded from getting into the pond. All living things need light to survive, so totally shading out sunlight will kill the submerged plants, invertebrates and other pond-life living in the bottom of the pond. They would die and decompose using up any oxygen that  was getting through the duckweed. Eventually Killing off the ecosystem, leading to the death of the pond. Meanwhile the Duck Weed would continue to grow.
I have seen this happen in wild ponds, leaving only the duckweed and marginal plants living and of course the ducks.
Controlling Duckweed with chemicals and bacteria.
There aren't any chemical Duckweed-killers available to the public. Some garden and water garden retailers stock a product called 'Duckweed Control' it contains a bacterial culture that removes nutrients from the water to discourage duckweed. They say it's safe to use in garden ponds and won't harm any of the pondlife, animals including newts and frogs at various stages of development, plus stacks of invertebrates. 
On the label it says "eco friendly" and "frog friendly" and "contains selected bacteria" and "suitable for use in all types of ponds". It doesn't have a list of active ingredients, though it does say "wash hands after use" and "keep out of reach of children".
BEWARE I would be wary of damaging the eco-system  in my 'wildlife' ponds. I prefer instead to control the duckweed By reducing the nutrients naturally.
Reduce the nutrients by;
  • Stopping over feeding your fish. 
  • Stopping adding fertilisers for pond plants, they don't need it, fish, frogs, newts all pooh in your pond, providing all the fertiliser your pond plants need to keep them healthy.

IT Works, I know!

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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