How to make an existing garden pond wildlife friendly UK

A wildlife friendly pond reduces your carbon footprint

As well as helping to preserve pond wildlife. An added benefit of making your garden pond wildlife friendly, is natural ponds help toward combating global warming and reduce your own carbon footprint.

Garden ponds increase garden biodiversity and in some cases, depending on the situation and site, can help prevent flash flooding by catching and slowing down the flow of water caused by heavy rain. And importantly garden ponds also store carbon in the sediment accumulated at the bottom of ponds. In fact, pond sediment holds more carbon per square metre per year than the same area of grassland and woodland. My article here explains how.

how to make your garden pond wildlife friendly
how to make your garden pond wildlife friendly

The key stages in making your garden pond wildlife friendly

  • You will need to find good homes for your fish especially Koi, they eat everything including pondlife. However, you can keep a few goldfish in the pond.
  • Cover the wildlife ponds edges with grass turf. Or Lower the liner edge and spread soil over it and sow a mix of grass and wildflowers. 
  • Local natural stone laid around the edge looks good and provides shelter.
  • Tall grass, logs, large stones set one on top of the other. with planting round the back edge of your pond will encourage insects and animals to visit and also create a hiding place for amphibious pond life.
  • A shallow pebble beach will allow small animals safe access to the water.
  • Pond plants are essential to achieve a correct water balance and provide shade in your garden pond. About half of the water surface should be covered to keep algae at bay. Plants absorbs carbon dioxide and minerals from the water and provide shade starving the algae.
  • Pond plants fall into four basic groups important to the health of your pond. The groups are oxygenators, floaters, marginals and deep water aquatics.
  • A bucketful of water and substrate from an established pond should be poured into the pond to kick-start the culture of the pond.

How to complete the transition of the pond to wildlife friendly

  • I cover the wildlife garden ponds edges by laying grass turf over the six inches of liner. To do this cut 18 inch sections from the turf and place side by side all around the pond edge with about four inches dipping into the water and the rest placed over lightly dug soil. As the grass grows it will make the pond even more natural, especially if you plant or sow wildflower seeds in it.
  • Another simple way to cover the pond edge is to scoop out about three inches of soil from around the edge below the liner. Lower the liner edge and spread the soil over it. Sow a water's edge mix of grass and wildflowers over the soil.
  • Local natural stone laid around the edge will look good, be careful though, you don't lay a trip hazard. For safety, you could sink them into the soil.
  • A bucketful of water from an established pond should be poured into the pond to kick-start the culture of the pond. That will speed up the process that will eventually together with the pond plants help keep the pond water clear and healthy.
  • Stones placed in the water at the bottom of the pond will give your pond creatures somewhere to hide.  If you intend to paddle in the pond, place the stones toward the edge,
  • A shallow pebble beach will allow small animals safe access to the water.
  • Tall grass, logs, large stones set one on top of the other. Together with planting round the back edge of your pond will encourage insects and animals to visit and also create a hiding place for amphibious pond life.
  • You have made your own nature pond, all that's left now is to plant some pond plants and wait for the pond life to arrive.
  • To see more information and pictures of pond plants click

You build it and the pond-life will come.  

Haven't got an existing pond, here's how to build a nature pond.

stages in building a wildlife pond, explained in easy to follow detail. 

  • Digging by hand and shaping the hole to make a wildlife pond.
  • How to work out the correct size pond liner.
  • Fitting the pond liner.
  • Finishing the pond and covering the edge of the liner.
  • List of pond plants for wildlife ponds.
  • Stocking with fish and pondlife
  • kick-start the pondlife culture.
Stage one. Digging the hole
Stage one. Digging the hole

Points to consider before digging the hole in your garden.

  • Can I make a garden pond safe for Small children?   Water is a fascination to children and even a shallow pond in the garden can be a dangerous place for kids. My article here explains how to make a pond safe. Or consider building a small container pond with fountain until the children are older or try a Bog garden.
  • How much space will I need to build a nature pond in my garden?  A container, a small Belfast sink or a half barrel pond will be big enough to sustain wildlife and can fit into the smallest of gardens. A wildlife pond can be any size you want it to be.
  • Can I keep fish in a wildlife pond? A pond stocked with koi carp will not sustain wildlife. Wildlife and fish are not a good mix, greedy koi will eat almost everything in site including insects, tadpoles and even pond plants. If you are creating a pond for nature best to avoid fish. In larger ponds a few goldfish should be OK. The information in this article is not intended as a guide to build ponds to keep koi fish. Koi require constant attention, are prone to disease and will require an extensive filtration system to be fitted. They do nothing apart from gulp food and contaminate the water. Much more interesting and fun to watch frogs, newts, pond skaters and dragonflies, and the enjoyment is all free.
  • What is the best position for a wildlife pond? Basically anywhere not surrounded by trees or in deep shade. Leaves can be troublesome in the autumn, a few leaves should not be a problem and can be netted out. Shade is a bigger problem as few pond plants will grow well unless there is adequate light. Some shade is necessary and this can be provided by pond plants like water lilies and other floaters. More info further down.
  • Building a pond in a garden that slopes. Providing the high bank is well retained, so that it doesn't crumble into the pond. Ponds built into slopes can look particularly attractive especially with streams or cascades running over the high side. 
  • What depth should a wildlife pond be? Wildlife ponds need about the same depth (three feet) as goldfish ponds. However, nature ponds should be shaped with varying depths by forming shelves and ledges. The shelves and ledges can be formed, either under the liner as you are digging the hole. Or formed after the liner is fitted using stone and clean chemical free soil from the garden. It is also important to form gently sloping sides when digging the hole to allow frogs and newts and insects to enter and exit the pond. Frogs lay their spawn in shallow water and both large and small birds will find it easier to drink or bathe in your pond.
  • Can I create a nature friendly ponds in a container. Shallower nature ponds about 18 inches deep will still attract and sustain some wildlife. The creatures themselves will decide if they want to set up home. 

Digging by hand and shaping the hole to make a wildlife pond

  • Mark out the shape of your pond using a thick rope trying to make curves as smooth as possible. Don't make the shape too complicated or the corners too sharp as it will be difficult to make your liner fit neatly. Make your pond as big as possible in the space available and avoid deep shade.
  • Form a shelf nine to twelve inches wide about twelve inches below the surface around the  pond, to plant and grow marginal plants. The shelf will also provide a suitable place for frogs to lay, frogspawn. It is easier to form the shelf as you are digging out and shaping the hole and then lay the liner over it.
  • A wildlife pond should be formed with at least one deep spot. Try to get the depth of the deepest bit to about three feet. For frogs and other pond-life to hibernate in the mud at the bottom and for planting pond plants that require deep water.  
  • Form gentle slopes from the deepest point up to the shelf or pond edge as entry and escape points for frogs and pond-life to get in and out of the water, this will also enable animals like Hedgehogs and birds to drink and bathe safely.
  • Stones can be positioned on the shelves to project above the surface to give frogs and other pond life a place to bask in the sun. Natural stones also look good set around the edge of the pond and form a safe habitat for insects.
  • Check the levels with a board and spirit level ensuring the surface of your pond is completely level. Add or remove earth to the banks as necessary patting it down so it doesn't sink later under the weight of the liner and water when you fill the pond.
  • Remove all large stones and roots as you dig and shape the hole to avoid damaging the liner.
  • Line the sides and base of the hole with a one inch layer of damp sand.

You are now ready to fit the liner

How to work out the correct size pond liner

Rubber liner is more flexible than plastic and I find it the easiest to fit, but it is more expensive than the plastic ones. I also fit a fabric underlay between the liner and the sand.

Amazon stock a large range of pond liners, and underlay

This is how to calculate the size of the liner required.
Length of liner = twice maximum depth of pond + maximum length of pond + 1m (3' 3") excess.
Width of liner = twice maximum depth of pond + maximum width of pond + 1m (3' 3") excess.

 Puddling clay is a alternative and really natural way to line a pond, more information in my article puddling clay.

Fitting the pond liner

Liners are easier to fit on a warm day,  the liner's more flexible and easier to fit to shape.

  • Roll out or unfold the liner across the surface of the hole  and weigh down the edges with stones to hold it. Be careful not to use very heavy stones or weights as this could rip or stretch the liner. Don't be tempted to try moulding the liner to the shape of the hole. The weight of water in the next stage will do that.
  • Now slowly run water onto the liner, preferably with a slow flowing garden hose. As the liner sinks into the hole and the water level rises. Move the stones backwards, holding on to the liner until you have re-positioned the stones, to allow the liner to sink slowly under the weight of water into the hole. The liner will stretch to most of the contours. Keep an eye out for creases and sharp curves folding them into corners.
  • At this stage add about two inches of aquatic compost (this is compost that is low in nutrients) or preferably clean soil, without fertiliser or pesticides from the garden, to the bottom and shelves of the pond. Plants will root in this and frogs and other pond-life hide in it. This should be allowed to build up over the years with leaves, etc.
  • Leave the water and liner to settle. Check the surface is level and adjust the soil under the liner as necessary. Trim excess liner, leaving at least six inches all the way round. 
  • Peg down the liner edge.

List of pond plants for wildlife friendly ponds

Pond plants are essential to achieve a correct water balance and provide shade in your garden pond. About half of the water surface should be covered, without them algae will grow. Plants absorbs carbon dioxide and minerals from the water and provide shade starving the algae.

Pond plants fall into four basic groups. Each is important to the health of your pond. The groups are oxygenators, floaters, marginals and deep water aquatics. To see more information and pictures of pond plants click


Floaters are pond plants you drop into the pond. Their roots are submerged and leaves and stems float either on or just below the surface. They provide surface cover. Many of them sink and overwinter at the bottom of your pond. Water hyacinth is a flowering 'floater' but only in a good summer.

Other floaters include frog-bit, water lettuce and water soldier and fairy moss.

 Duck weed is also a floater, it is invasive and best avoided. Once you have duck weed established in your pond, you will never get rid of it. 

Deep Water pond plants

Deep water plants need to be planted at least a foot deep. The leaves help to shade the pond and keep your pond life cool, provide shelter and help keep the water clear by limiting the sun's rays.

Water hawthorn is fragrant, long flowering and will tolerate moving water and some shade. Golden club needs to be planted in a deep tub. Has distinctive yellow and white flower heads. 

Once again too many to list here its worth a visit to a local pond centre or amazon. The Water Lily in the picture is one I have planted in my pond at home.


Marginal pond plants.  

Marginals are planted on the margins of the pond. They include Marsh marigolds, pickerel weed and many more. Plant them on the shelf we built around the pond. 

They look good and provide some protection for your frogs and other pond creatures from predators. The Mix of Marginal pond plants in the picture are also perfect for bees & other pollinating insects.

I remove marginals from the baskets, keeping the root in as much compost as I can and plant them on the shelf held down by stones, makes the water bit muddy for a while, but soon clears, and look more natural.

Oxygenating pond plants for natural ponds.


Oxygenators are very important for the health of the water and keeping the water clear. Their roots and stems are submerged and usually the leaves are submerged as well. They are often bought in bunches. You will need one bunch for each three square foot of surface area. Most oxygenators do not flower, but two exceptions are, Water Violet and Water Buttercup.

Water Milfoil is OK for a small pond. Willow moss is evergreen and slow growing. Hornwort and curly pond weed (Elodea Crispa) are effective oxygenators.

The pond oxygenating plant in the picture is not invasive so ideal for ponds of all sizes, 


You have finished creating your wildlife friendly pond.  



A read sitting at your wildlife pond

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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