The two methods I use to clear brambles;
Brambles commonly known as the blackberry bush. Is the thorny bush that produces the berries used in apple and blackberry pie and jam. However, are a real problem, especially in gardens that have been neglected, growing through shrubs, under hedges, between the cracks in broken concrete and brickwork.
The speed bramble grows, combined with the painful thorns, mean gardens quickly become no-go areas if it's not controlled.
Bramble shoots grow up to 8ft long, when the ends of the shoots touch soil they root and send out more shoots quickly forming a dense thorny blackberry bush.
This is the best and cheapest systemic weed-killer to kill bramble and is the blackberry bush killer I use. Quickest method of clearing a large area of bramble,
I would really advice using this concentrated (Strength 360g/l) weed killer, rather than the sprays, it is a lot cheaper.
Always check Strength actually is 360g/l when buying concentrated Glyphosate weed-killer from other sources
1 Cut the blackberry bush back and treat with Systemic Weed-killer that kills the plant and root.
Cutting the bramble bush back and digging the roots out.
This method works for small areas, closely planted borders and for organic gardeners.
First cut back the Bramble stems to about six inches high, this makes it easier to get to the roots. A Strimmer will save time. However, you will need a sharp saw for thicker stems.
Next dig out the bramble stump and the roots. It is really important to remove all of the root system, brambles will regenerate from well below soil level. Realistically it is almost impossible to remove every bit of root, so you will need to keep an eye out for new growth and pull it up. Bramble will continue to produce new growth for ages and grows fast.
Correct Disposal of thorny bramble growth and roots is key. Leaving it in a pile in a corner of the garden will just create another Bramble bush problem, as it will send out new roots wherever it touches soil. If it is just a single bush cut it into small pieces and rot it down in a plastic bag. When I'm clearing a large area I use a shredder and bag it to rot down, or preferably burn it.
Want a truly organic way to kill Brambles?
Just enjoy the blackberries you could be harvesting and make a lot of jam and apple and blackberry pies.
Keep or borrow a few goats. Goats will clear a bramble patch faster than anything without using weed-killer.
A single bramble shoot can quickly become a Blackberry bush jungle and difficult to eradicate once established.
Using Machinery to clear Bramble.
Rotavators won't touch thick blackberry roots and will just bounce of the top especially on clay or dry soil. If you can hire a mini-digger costs about £180 for a weekends hire. It will save so much time and hard labour clearing and digging out the whole plant including the roots.
Want a truly natural and organic way to kill Brambles?
This is the best and cheapest systemic weed-killer to kill bramble and is the blackberry bush killer I use. For a quick way to clear bramble, I would really advice using this concentrated (Strength 360g/l) Glyphosate weed killer, rather than the sprays. It is a lot cheaper.
More information on my page shop for weedkiller
Always check Strength actually is 360g/l when buying concentrated Glyphosate weed-killer from other sources
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