How to clear and prevent weeds growing in gravel

What can I do about my weedy gravel driveway?

Gravel driveways  add a bit of rustic charm to your home. Gravel is a lot cheaper than block paving, cleaner than tarmac, good for drainage, looks better and more ECO friendly than imprinted concrete  and also help with security. Burglars hate walking or driving over crunchy gravel. 

But, gravel pathways and driveways that have light traffic or are neglected can quickly become overgrown with weeds and grass, so let's look at ways of getting rid of the weeds and then stopping weeds getting into gravel

how to stop Weedy gravel
Weedy gravel


This is the Gallop product I use Click the Amazon picture for more information.

The best and easiest way to kill weeds growing in gravel.

Glyphosate kills the whole plant including the roots

I found the best and easiest way to kill weeds growing in gravel is to use weed killers containing  Glyphosate. they kill the whole plant including the roots. It kills annual and deep-rooted perennial garden weeds, including grass, docks, nettles, willow herb, dandelion and bindweed in one application with no need to reapply. A single two Litre bottle treats up to 3332 sq/m.  If you are clearing just a small area store it in your shed for next season. 

It is also available in diluted form under various brand names. However, instead of using these expensive cans or sprays. I use undiluted glyphosate and dilute it myself with water for clearing weeds from driveways and other large areas. It is super concentrated and easy to apply with a watering-can

full application instructions and dilution rates come with it.

Always check Strength actually is 360g/l when buying concentrated Glyphosate weed-killer from other sources.

Weeding gravel by hand.

  •  If the area is relatively small and your back and knees can cope, pulling out the short rooted weeds that are growing over the weed suppressant is fairly easy. Using your fingers, try to get as low down the stem as you can so as not to leave any part of the weed to regrow.
  • Digging out long rooted plants like dandelions that are growing from below and up through the weed suppressant fabric is more of a challenge. It's very important to remove the complete root, leaving nothing to regrow (even the tiniest bit of dandelion root will regrow) and at the same time minimise damage to the liner,
  • The easiest way and the method least likely to further damage the liner, is to use a special weeding tool like a corkscrew or long bladed trowel. Scrape back the gravel around the weed, find the tear in the fabric and use either the trowel or corkscrew below to dig out the complete weed root and all.

How to prevent weeds growing in gravel

Do weed suppressant fabrics work? the pros and cons

The pros;

Weed suppressant material will stop weed growth before it begins by forming a barrier between the soil and the gravel. Also stop deep rooted weeds seeding and growing up through the gravel.

The cons; 

Over time and quite quickly with heavy foot or vehicle traffic.  The fabric becomes punctured by the gravel allowing long rooted weeds, like dandelion to seed and grow through it anyway.

  • Digging weeds out that are growing through weed suppressant material is almost impossible without further damaging the material.
  • Most weeds are airborne and will seed and grow on top of the fabric. If you are going to use this method of weed control be prepared to rake of the gravel and replace the landscape fabric every couple of years.


More ways to keep gravel pathways and drives weed free

common methods to keep gravel weed-free, the pros and cons/

  • Raking your gravel driveway regularly.

Pros; Rakes out surface weeds and moves the gravel around making it difficult for weed seeds to germinate so preventing weed from growing.

Cons; Unfortunately raking also stirs up the soil that has got into the gravel creating a seed bed for new airborne weeds.

  • Topping up the gravel  by spreading a fresh load over the driveway every five or so years.

Pros;  Covers the bare patches and the weeds.

Cons; As I discovered years ago, spreading more small stones over the top of dirty gravel produces the perfect environment for weed seeds to germinate and thrive, also makes it even more difficult to pull them out.

  • Treating weeds growing in gravel with vinegar. 

Pros; simply use ordinary full strength  vinegar, white is best, although any vinegar will work. Vinegar is effective and will kill the weeds,  but does not discriminate so be sure not to spray it on or near plants you wish to keep.

Cons; Because Vinegar is a disinfectant it kills beneficial bacteria in your soil sterilising the soil for up to two years, could be a problem if you want to plant in it any time soon. 

  • Using salt to kill weeds.

Pros; salt works as a weed killer when it dissolves into the soil around the plant roots.

Cons; Salt kills plants indiscriminately and is very environmentally unfriendly as it stays in the soil for years, so if you must use it, only use salt where you don't want other plants to grow, such as gravel driveways. Using salt creates a problem if you or whoever takes the garden over in the future want to plant in it any time ever! 

In summary I find the best and easiest way to kill weeds growing in gravel is to use weed killers containing Glyphosate. they kill the whole plant including the roots. It kills annual and deep-rooted perennial garden weeds, including grass, docks, nettles, willow herb, dandelion and bindweed in one application with no need to reapply. A single two Litre bottle treats up to 3332 sq./m.  If you are clearing just a small area you can store it in your shed for next season. 

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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