benefits of rubber chippings as a play surface

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The benefits of using rubber chippings as a play surface are...

  •  No compaction or rotting so cost effective over the long-term Retains surface tension moisture only and so does not stay wet
  • As long as the rubber chippings are kept clean it will not attract pets and wildlife mess
  • Does not blow around or easily scatter
  • Helps to curb weeds, mould and fungus.
  • Toy safe classification
  • Drop tested in accordance with BS EN1177 standards for playground use. Great for domestic applications.
  • Several colours of rubber chippings are available.

On this page;

  • Depth of rubber guidelines to meet safe fall regulations, 
  • Simple guide to installing a rubber chippings safe play area, 
  • Calculate how many bags of rubber chippings needed to fill play area, 
  • Using rubber mats instead of loose chippings.

DEPTH GUIDELINES for rubber chipping used to surface a play area. Link to suppliers

These are an average of the depth guidelines given by selected manufacturers of play rubber chippings.  Always work to the advice given by the rubber chipping supplier you choose.

For fall heights up to 1.4m, use at a depth of 50mm. At this depth, 1 x cubic metre bag (500kg) or 50 polybags will cover approximately 20 square metres.

For fall heights over 1.4m and up to 1.9m, use at a depth of 100mm. At this depth, 1 x cubic metre bag (500kg) or 50 polybags will cover approximately 10 square metres.

For fall heights over 1.9m, use at a depth of 200mm. At this depth, 1 x cubic metre bag (500kg) or 50 polybags will cover approximately 5 square metres.

How to construct a simple frame for installing a rubber chippings safe play surface.

  • Build a smooth timber frame to the required size or dig out a play pit. 
  • Make sure any rigid framework is well outside the likely area of fall 
  • Spread landscape fabric to discourage weeds.
  • Follow the instructions on the bag to work out the depth required to BS EN 1177:1998 guidelines for impact absorption and spread the rubber chippings evenly across the whole area.
How many bags of rubber chippings will be needed for a safe play surface.

Using 10 KG bags of rubber chippings (rubber bark), you will need  2 bags per square metre to help protect your child up to a fall height of 2.3m or 4 bags per square metre for higher play equipment. Always check with the supplier for the recommended amount and depth for there particular product. 

This is probably the cheapest way to make a rubber safe-play surface.

A good alternative to loose rubber chippings that I have started using is heavy-duty rubber matting, it saves making a frame and never needs topping up. Click on the link for more product information. 

How can children play safely outside without getting muddy! These  rubber mats with a critical fall height of 3m rating, mean you can lay the mats around Playground Equipment knowing you are complying with BSEN 1177.

Each mat is 1500mm x 1000mm x 23mm thick, covering 1.5m2 . The mats are made out of high quality recycled rubber,   Installation is easy, just follow the simple instructions. 

 Heavy Duty Rubber mat 1.5m x 1.0m  

  • Safety Floor under swings, playground equipment
  • Rapra Tested with a critical fall height of 3m!
  • Used by councils up and down the UK
  • Grass grows through the rubber mats and can be mowed!
  • I use it these days instead of the loose stuff.

A read for rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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