How to Create a fruit and vegetable garden for children

It really is easy, almost everything you need to know is on the seed packet. 

And the tips in my article are for mums and dads who are gardening novices and want to give Children the opportunity to grow fruit and veg in their own garden.

How to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables

It's a fact! Kids who grow their own fruit and vegetables are more likely to eat and enjoy it, in early and later life

a good example of a kids garden
a good example of a kids garden

Encourage children to home grow fruit and vegetable in their own garden.

Are kids who grow things in there own garden more likely to eat and enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables? 
Yes, research shows that kids brought up in gardening families keep on gardening in one way or another in later life.  Studies also shows that kids who are encouraged to grow fruit and vegetables in their own garden are more likely to eat and enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables, not just in early life, but later in life too, with the benefit to health that brings. 
I want to encourage my children to grow their own, but I'm not a gardener, my children think carrots come from Waitrose.
They do! but not as good as the ones from your kids garden.

It's not just you, growing our own is not the norm anymore. Fresh fruit and vegetables are readily available in shops, as is fast food. WE are seeing more and more overweight mums and dads with fat children who just don't know or care where a carrot comes from. 
The benefits of gardening would be two-fold, providing exercise and own grown fresh healthy fruit and vegetables. You don't have to be gardeners, you just need a bit of time, soil and a packet of seeds.

How can I introduce my kids to gardening and growing their own fruit and veg.

What can those of us who are just not into full-time gardening do, to introduce our kids to growing their own and at least give them an option to keep on gardening, or not, in later life. 
The tips below will help, tho it's important  to remember, it is not the outcome so much as providing the choice in the first place that matters most.
Kids own patch in the garden.
It's simpler than it sounds to give your child his or her own small garden, a kid's garden can be simply a raised bed or even a hay bale,  or in larger gardens, an area can be fenced of, or marked out in some other way.  Whether it is a container or plot,  it's a good idea  to encourage a sense of ownership from the start, by agreeing where to position the bed or plot and to make it clear it's your child's garden, to plant, to grow, to make mistakes, to always care for and very importantly to reap the harvest. 
You don't need to be pretentious Alan Titmarsh, all the growing stuff is on the back of the seed packets
After you have worked out where the children's garden plot will be its time for the interesting bit, planting, sowing and growing.
You really don't need to be an expert gardener, all the information you need is on the back of the seed packet, in fact your children will find the whole thing more interesting if they think and feel you are learning with them. You might end up enjoying the gardening thing too! You can find some basic growing your own tips here.
To begin it is best to sow and plant simple quick growing plants.
 It's a good idea to grow simple quick growing stuff, like radishes and lettuce and large seeds that sprout quickly, like beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, it's great when the first shoots start to push through the soil.
Fruit, vegetables and flowers that can be touched and eaten are important too, to speed things up plants like strawberries can be purchased already in flower. Snapdragons that open when pinched can be easily grown from seed or bought as bedding plants.
Herbs, like basil and parsley, are easy to grow and can be tasted as well as smelt, lamb's ears with its soft, fuzzy leaves is great to touch. I have listed sensory plants here. I have listed the ten easiest vegetables to grow in a child's garden lower down this page,
If you live in a flat without a garden  there are still many vegetables that can be grown in containers, most plants that can be planted and grown outside can be grown inside too. Planting in containers. 

If you are not a preachy expert gardener with lists of confusing Latin plant names, children will be more likely to enjoy gardening and learning to grow fruit and vegetables with you.

You really don't need to be an expert gardener to help and encourage kids to grow stuff in there own garden, your children will enjoy the whole thing more, learning together, let them show you how to do it.  Let them make mistakes, {plants do die if they are not watered}, let them enjoy harvesting and eating the garden produce. 
Don't be disappointed if the interest fades, your child may not want to keep on gardening and find other hobbies more interesting,  but you have given your child the choice, and maybe, just maybe, found a new hobby yourself.

It is easy to grow most vegetables, and it is a good ideal when starting off a kids vegetable garden to start off with the ones that are the easiest to grow.  A successful crop at the first attempt will encourage you and your kids to keep on gardening.

This is my list of 10 easy to grow vegetables for a children's garden, they can also be grown indoors in containers, and can be planted or sown directly in the ground and will grow in most types of soil.

  1. Cress. The easiest vegetable to grow, can be sown in soil but just as successful grown indoors on damp kitchen towel or blotting paper.

  2. Lettuce can be grown in containers or in the kids garden. Sowing guide on the seed packet.

  3. Radishes prefer a damp or colder climate so sow seeds outside or indoors away from heat, let the kids thin them out giving enough space for the bulbs to develop.

  4. Swiss Chard will grow in almost any soil type and both the leaf and stem can be eaten. 

  5. Green Beans.  The bush types wont need staking, runner beans will because they grow upwards yielding more beans in the same amount of space. 

  6. Carrots.  Growing carrots is easy providing the soil is loose enough to allow them to grow deep. 

  7. Potatoes are easy to grow providing they are banked up and kept watered. They can be grown in plastic buckets inside or outside. Seed potatoes can be purchased from most gardeners and hardware shops who will advice on the best potatoes for the season.

  8. Spinach prefers cooler climates so is best planted in early spring or autumn, read the seed packet for best time of year for sowing.

  9. Onions. Onion sets rather than seeds are easier for children to handle and plant. 

  10. Beetroot  is one of the easiest vegetables to grow and can be planted as soon as the frost is over and just requires damp ground to germinate.

 Fruits, the kids will find easy to grow and love to eat. 

If space is limited, these fruit will also do well in containers. You can even grow strawberries in hanging baskets. 

You and your kids will love the fresh, juicy flavour of strawberries picked straight from the garden. Strawberries can be planted straight into the ground. Or if space is limited they can be grown in containers, hanging baskets and window boxes, Need a bit of simple care so ask the grower or read the label for growing tips. 
Autumn fruiting raspberries will provide continuity of soft fruit at just about the time the kids have picked the last strawberries. Raspberries are self supporting (wont need sticks/canes) so you can plant them in containers or in clumps in your garden. They're simple to maintain just cut the canes to ground level each February and let them start all over again. 
 Blueberries need a bit of extra soil preparation. All they need is an acid (ericaceous) soil, which you can buy in your local garden centre or amazon  So are best grown in containers. They actually make a very attractive patio plant, producing scented flowers in spring, fiery coloured autumn foliage and lovely fresh blueberries in late summer, Apart from the special soil they are low maintenance, fruiting after about 3 years.    The kids can bake you a good old American blueberry pie. 
Need to be grown against a hot, sunny south/west facing wall or fence, so unless the children's patch of garden happens to be next to a sun catching wall or fence, Figs are best grown in containers on a patio or sunny part of the main garden. The taste of freshly picked, sun-warmed figs is well worth the extra bit of hassle.
Perfect for a children's garden, planted in the garden or if space is limited, gooseberries are versatile enough to be planted in containers. Leave the berries on the bush to ripen and sweeten for the kids to eat them straight from the bush they also make a nice crumble.   
Apple tree. 
Might seem a bit ambitious, but these days there is an apple tree to suit all types, shapes and sizes of gardens and once established won't (apart from some pruning) need much maintenance. There are also dwarf Apple tree varieties that can be grown in a container on the patio. Better still, for children to get the complete growing experience, let them sow an apple seed. To be sure the tree will thrive in our British weather use a seed from an English grown apple..
How about the kids foraging for hedgerow fruit in there own bit of garden. Blackberries will grow almost anywhere and won't need much attention. Could be used to hide an old fence or grow over the side of the man-cave!. Use them with the apples for the kids to bake a Apple and Blackberry pie.
The kids can make there own Ribena.                     



These children's gardening tool sets are colourful and safe to use.

take a look Kids gardening tool set

  ALSO A garden can present the perfect opportunity for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and special needs to learn, play and strengthen body and mind.  
This book empowers teachers and parents with little gardening know-how to get outside and use nature to motivate young learners and those with special needs. .With a focus on the therapeutic potential of nature, the book shows that gardening can help reduce feelings of anxiety, provide an outlet for physical aggression, build self-esteem through the nurturing of plants and much more.

A read for you on rainy days

In fairy tales, there is always a Prince Charming and a bad man. Sometimes in real life, Prince Charming is the bad man, or the bad man turns out to be Prince Charming.
Please be aware, this is not a fairy tale. This book contains references to grooming gangs, sexual abuse, Gaslighting, and punishment of the abusers. Also NON-WOKE scrutiny of British society.
A dark story of gaslighting, sexual abuse, retribution, and hope. Based on the author's conversations with Willow, a young girl hidden from Society, and with Richard an ex-soldier now working for a covert agency The Organisation. This book tells how Richard confronts those in authority blocking Willow from the therapy she needs to escape from them and recover, he’s aware of the consequences. But having ignored evil too often, he’s ready for the risks.

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